10 Things Revolutionizing Customer Experience in City Government

We are on the cusp of a movement. We are aggressively steering away from what traditional government has been, revamping our customer service strategy, and leading the nation with an innovative approach. By incorporating private sector methods, and platforms, to better the customer experience, we have been working to revolutionize the way government operates. Here are a few things that are changing city government, and in a very big way. 1. The Customer. Understanding that the citizen is the customer, Read More

Antidepressants Fail – Government Study Reveals

The most frequently prescribed pharmaceutical drug is antidepressants. Did you know thirty-five million dollars of your taxes was spent to fund the largest trial of its kind on antidepressants? March 23, 2006, The Washington Post reported the results of this study. “…antidepressants fail to cure the symptoms of major depression in half of all patients, even if they received the best possible care.” Furthermore, “…a significant number of patients continue to experience symptoms such as sadness, low energy, and hopelessness Read More