Free Government Loans – Grant Money That Never Has to Be Paid Back

Free government loans…is this an oxymoron or what? I mean the definition of the word “loan” is something you are required to pay back, while “free” means you don’t have to pay. There is no wonder that many American citizens are reluctant to believe that there are free government loans available to them, there are not. However, you may still be eligible to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in free government money, and never have to pay it back. Read More

Accounting for Government Contracts – Fringe, Overhead and G&A

If you are planning to have the U.S. Government as a client, you will need to have your accounting systems set up so you can handle their accounting requirements. Regardless of whether you are engaging in a plain vanilla contract or an SBIR grant, you will be required to negotiate fringe benefit rates, overhead rates, and general and administrative rates. Fringe benefits rates include Compensated Absences, such as Vacation, Holidays, and Sick Leave; Medical Programs, such as Health and Dental Read More