The History of Government and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Let’s take a look at several thousand years of governmental disarmament of the populace. Of course all the while, the rulers, their guards and armies remained armed. The Founders of America were educated in the classic written histories of our civilization. In fact President Adams and Jefferson among others, studied in numerous languages; Latin, Greek, French, Italian, and Hebrew to name a few of the dozens of languages they read in. Thomas Jefferson, the most prolific reader of books and Read More

Video Conference Uses In Government Sector

Video Conferencing and Telepresence systems are transforming the way Central and State Government agencies communicate. Government agencies of all kinds are using this most advanced technology to increase productivity, reduce travel cost, and fulfill eco-friendly initiatives. These systems create virtual meeting experiences so realistic, makes the participants feel as if they are in the same room, even though they are located in different geographic areas, far away miles apart from each location. The need to come at a meeting place Read More