The Basics of Government Auctions

A government auction is a good place to buy quality or unusual merchandise at a bargain. Government auctions take place continually, both online and in different parts of the country. Information on all government auctions can be found at This is billed as being the official United States government portal. It contains information on all federal, state and local government auctions. What do governments have to sell at auction? They sell surplus goods and seized and forfeited property at Read More

Here Is Your Very First Lesson in Government / Mind Control

Try and read this entire post and see how bored you feel. I can almost guarantee that you won't make it to the very end. Even after reading that sentence, how do you feel? Like the notion of mind, control is ridiculous, correct. Be sure to keep an open mind because this is a handbook on how to recognize, fight, and defeat government and fanatical religious, mind control. You may feel the sudden urge to close this and move on Read More