Bad Government Leadership – Why Our Government Leaders Are Entry Level at Best

The recent shutdown of our Government really saddens me. It’s not that I don’t have a patriotic mind. I do value our forefather’s values, and I do value our people. What’s currently going on; however, is not a proper reflection of the values I’ve grown to love. It is, in fact, and example of bad government leadership in action. I’ve written before about the leadership values of Disney. I cherish them, and I look to others in leadership positions to Read More

Simply Find Dead People Using Government Death Records

Have you ever found yourself searching for someone? Have you tried to find someone that hasn’t been a part of your life for a very long time, perhaps a lost relative, college friend, or trying to trace back your family tree? Unfortunately, if you’re trying to find someone who you haven’t seen for awhile, you should prepare yourself for the possibility that they are no longer alive. What many people find, however, is that they don’t know if the person Read More