How To Be An Effective Leader In The Workplace – Part 3

This article is the third of a series on what true leadership is at the core, and will focus on effective leadership in the workplace. Leaders have a huge responsibility to adapt and immerse in the culture of the country they have chosen to work in. With globalization there is inevitably a trend to move away and work overseas, usually to accept offers of higher position or position of leaders. Through observations of the years that I spent working in Read More

An Economics Education by Bitcoin – Part IV

Just as one can purchase traditional commodities on a number of different exchanges in a number of different countries, and at times there may be price differences between these exchanges, so too, there are multiple Bitcoin exchanges, and there may be price differences between them. Arbitrage players take advantage of price differences to buy commodities in markets where there is surplus, and to sell commodities in markets where there is dearth. Similar opportunities exist in Bitcoin markets. You wouldn’t expect Read More