The Serious Job of Protecting Client Information

6 Important Small Business Cyber Security Tips Chances are, you think twice before entering your credit card information online to buy something, watch out for malicious links in emails and keep your PC updated against viruses, spyware and hackers. However, how much thought do you put into your small business data security and protecting client information? Hopefully a lot, because according to Microsoft: • An attacker resides within a network for an average of 146 days before detection • The Read More

Cyber Security Made Easy

It seems like you can’t watch the news without finding out about a new major security bug or corporate hacking scandal. Heartbleed and Shellshock scared a lot of internet users, and soon articles on enhancing cyber security started popping up everywhere. Small business owners need to be especially savvy about cyber security, since so much of their business is based on the web. Here are some things you need to know about keeping your business safe online, as well as Read More