"Things Just Ain’t the Same": Hip-Hop’s Reconstruction of the Gangster Rap Identity

Gangster rap, or hardcore rap, is generally considered a sub genre of the larger category of rap music, which itself is a subcategory of hip-hop. Gangster rap is differentiable from other rap music in that it makes use of images of urban life associated with crime (Haugen, 2). According to the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of gangster rap, the top four images associated with the genre are violence, drugs, materialism and sexual promiscuity. Gangster Rappers as Defining the Hip-Hop Social Group Read More

Dance Videos Can Aid Your Disco – Hip Hop or Music Theme Party

Dance videos may be worth far more than many other home video tapes. They can change interpersonal skills. Social interaction is an important part of life. It can affect job promotion or general sense of happiness and well being. Achieved perpetual wallflower status and want to change that image for the better? None of those sleek poised people on the dance floor learned to dance by sleep learning! Someone taught them the basic steps and then they practiced until they Read More