Hip Hop Dance – Not Only a Dance But Also Reveals the Suffering of Normal People

Hip hop dance is a free style dance that everyone loves to watch it. It originates in the South Bronx, New York more than 40 years ago. It’s involved with several cultures like jazz, rock, tap, American and Latino cultures. The far-reaching cultural movement has brought more people together. Earlier blacks were criticized everywhere and thus the brave, new art form was originated that speaks more about black’s poverty. The cool moves and quick spans have entertained many and thus Read More

What Are the List of Hip Hop and R&B Record Labels?

Hip hop and R&B are genres of music of African American origin. There are many companies or labels promoting, distributing, and producing this genre of music. What are Record Labels? In the music industry the music of individual singers is usually promoted by big music companies or individual smaller companies. Record labels stand for the trademark or brand of a music company that markets, produces, promotes and generally provides all infrastructures to a musician or singer to produce a CD Read More