Hip Hop Blood Sport

The history of hip hop is replete with controversy. Fueled by money, fierce rivalries have been waged publicly by some of the most successful musical artists in the last 25 years. Unlike other music genres hip hop feuds have resulted in the death of artists marking it a blood sport of sorts. The origins of hip hop rivalry in general can be found in the nature of rappers themselves as they tend to do the utmost to best each other. Read More

Get Signed to a Hip Hop Record Label

If you want to get signed to a hip hop record label, there are a couple of things that you need to do before landing that amazing deal. There is no guarantee that you will get the deal of your dreams, but if you do all the right things, your chances of getting signed are much higher. The first thing that you need to do to get signed to a hip-hop record label is create good music that other people Read More