5 Things You Need To Be A Rapper

So you want to be a rapper, huh? More and more people are becoming interested in making that move to the hip hop stage. Ask most teenagers who Jay Z, Lil Wayne or Kendrick Lamar is and they can not only tell you who they are, but can probably recite a few of their lyrics. From the young kids to the middle-aged hip hop heads, the music is enjoyed by the world. If you turn on your television you’ll undoubtedly Read More

Are Rappers Better Off Dead?

“Biggie Smalls fell off! He was never that nice anyway! I mean Life After Death to me was better than Ready To Die and even that could’ve been one CD instead of two.” As I sit here and conjure up all sorts of imaginary vitriol one might have found on modern day social media had Biggie still been alive, I can’t help but wonder if there is any rapper whose legacy has not been tainted by simply remaining alive? Every Read More