Boobs and Why Men Love Them

Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) wondered, “I mean seriously, they are just breasts. Every second person in the world has them.” Exactly, every second person in the world has them. Your mother, your aunt, your grandmother, your teacher, Bruce Jenner… Oops! Caitlyn Jenner. Anyway, The underlying point is, breasts are not a big deal. They are just round, bouncy, fat that are like drooping extras on the female anatomy. Nothing breathtaking about it. But, we have to face it. Men are Read More

Before You Claim Moral Superiority Over Your Goodness And Empathy – Think On This

Many people persecute the philosophy of the late Ayn Rand and her Objectivism Theories. I am not one of them. In Ayn Rand's Philosophy she states that people naturally do what is in their best interests, even when they help others. Inherently, people help others due to the psychological reality of reciprocity and because it makes them feel good to help others. So, they are not necessarily doing it for the other person, but for themselves. That is not to Read More