How to Apply for a Community Grant Program

By nature, humans have the tendency to help each other. Nobody in this world can take the worst conditions of those who are less fortunate asking for any help – be it financial, emotional, or moral. That is why in a community setting, grant programs are offered to those who deserve to have one. Even so, only a few are given a grant depending on how they made their application. Funds are always there and will only be granted to Read More

Evaluating Your Program – Begin at the Beginning With Your Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives

This is the second in a series of articles on program evaluation. The first article discusses why we evaluate programs and gives a brief overview of the process. This article gives details on the initial steps of that process. The best place to begin is at the beginning. By that I mean, revisit the idea or plan the led to the establishment of your program. Does your program or organization have a mission statement? Goals? If these documents are already Read More