What is Assertive Engagement

Assertive Engagement is a term used in a variety of fields to indicate a persistent and active approach to an interaction. It has an obvious use in military terminology (though it would be hard to imagine a military ‘engagement’ which wasn’t assertive!) but it is a term most keenly employed in a particular approach to psychiatric care. However, even in this field, assertive engagement is a concept requiring definition. It is a term born out of the move towards community Read More

Let Your Donations Help American Children

If you have ever been able to help someone in need, you have seen the joy they feel from that help. It is very likely that you also felt light-hearted after giving that much-needed assistance. Is not it interesting how doing something to help someone else actually gives the giver a big boost. When you think of children who are going without the necessities of life, such as food, clothes, shelter, or medical care, you may envision people who live Read More