American Children Are at Risk

When you think about people in need, you may think about those who live in third-world countries and who have very little opportunity for education or improved lifestyles. If you look around you in this country, you may think of the homeless person as he is portrayed in television or movies. Usually, we are shown a middle-aged man in an old worn-out coat, reminiscent of the classic hobo of years past. Would it surprise you to learn that one out Read More

Capitalism, Socialism, and the Affordable Housing Market

One of the cornerstones of capitalist economic theory, as taught and practiced in the business, governmental, and academic sectors of the United States of America, is called the “efficient market hypothesis”. That hypothesis claims that a free market is an “efficient” market, meaning that it perfectly provides for the needs of consumers in a nation, at prices they can afford. I disagree. “Efficient market hypothesis” claims that markets are rational, meaning that they will make automatic adjustments in prices, to Read More