Liz Murray's Relentless Journey: A Rags To Riches Story

I was looking online for something to inspire and uplift me this morning and literally stumbled upon the story of Liz Murray. I had Googled 'rags to riches' and that's where I found her. She was # 9. on the Top 10 Rags to Riches Stories list, a list I never even knew existed. Even if you're one of those people who does not dream of extreme wealth, her story is one that not only needs to be told, but Read More

A Lesson From A True Super Hero-Who’s Only Four Years Old!

As you think about Halloween, and whatever plans you have for yourself and/or for your family, inevitably, part of your thinking revolves around “So, who will I go as this year?” It’s fun to adopt a persona for a night or two, and express an aspect of ourselves that rarely gets trotted out into public view. You know, like Little Bo Peep (really?) or a character from Black Panther or the Avengers. Personally, I’ve always favored Elvira Mistress of the Read More