The Cross – Self Improvement Base "The Cross," an Amarillo Outreach Ministry For Homeless, Set Afire

“The Cross” is a self-improvement base located in Amarillo, Texas. It’s an Outreach Ministry for veterans, homeless people without money, and the unemployed; all of whom want to find work. It serves the community, and the surrounding area, where citizens looking for helpers can readily fine workers. The Amarillo Globe “Police Briefs” headlines read, “Police suspect arson in Outreach Ministry” being set afire on Wednesday, January 27, 2009. The ramifications of it being set afire, as reported by the Amarillo Read More

The Psychology of Kindness

On the human need for personal kindness and kindness of others, and what it means for the future of humanity Kindness or benevolence is a very important psychological attribute. We are kind to others for various altruistic and sometimes selfish reasons. An individual may be kind to a homeless man and give him a blanket because of sympathetic and empathetic reasons or a man may be kind to a woman due to ulterior motives. Kindness is thus triggered from personal Read More