Exotic Pets Are Great, But?

Exotic Pets are great but they can cause severe problems to eco-systems if not kept in check. This is because introducing an exotic pet into the wild near your home could cause it to eat everything in site with no predators and with an abundance of food and no enemies it will start reproducing rapidly. There are numerous examples of such from snakes and lizards to ferrets and large animals of prey. Why even the New York Sewer System is Read More

"$32,792 in Your First Month" – The Pique Technique in Action

Have you ever wondered about those sales pages that promise $32,792.17 in sales or profits? Why not $30,000 or $32K or something else easier to read? There’s a method to the madness. Specifically, it’s called the pique technique. One area of research in the field of Social Psychology is the study of persuasion. John Cacioppo and Richard Petty theorized that there are two routes that one can take when trying to persuade another person. They suggested that there was a Read More