Are You Living Your Dream?

Living your dream is like reaching the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Yes it takes planning, effort, a great idea, and a burning desire to bring it to fruition but its a great journey along the way. How many people hate their jobs,careers or lives generally. I’ve never known so many suicides among the young. Farmers are another group who seem to be struggling at the moment – unsure what Brexit will mean to them! Worried Read More

A View From the Streets on Richard Gere’s Movie, Time Out of Mind

The most wrenching scene in Time Out of Mind occurs when Richard Gere’s character, George Hammond, faces his status in society. He frantically asks his annoying bunkmate, “Am I homeless?” Yes, he’s homeless, but it takes him a long time to accept or even utter the word. As his feckless friend points out, “You don’t exist.” Scenes in the homeless shelter are painfully realistic. While a roof, bed, and a few square meals are things to be grateful for, the Read More