Ten Reasons to Help the Homeless

I know, everyone is always asking for your help. You feel like you can never get anything done because your friends and family always need something. Maybe it’s a ride somewhere or running an errand or taking care of someone when they’re sick or sad. We’re always willing to help those we care about when they need an extra hand. And it’s great when they’re willing to help us out and return the favor when we ask. But, what if Read More

Who Is to Blame for Homelessness?

The question arises because many homeless people were moved on from the centre of Sydney, yesterday, because they were primarily an embarrassment to the government. While other excuses for the clean-up was given the facts cannot be so readily passed over. Where they had pitched their tents was in a major thoroughfare in the heart of the city. Where else would be so in the-face of a seemingly careless group of politicians? This raised awareness as nothing else has about Read More