The Darker Side Of Homeless Shelters

When a person tells someone that they’re about to become homeless most of the people that they tell have the preconceived notion that the unfortunate soul will just be able to show up at a homeless shelter and that they will be housed for as long as is necessary. The reality is far from this perception. Long Term Solutions Are Not Long Term At All Although many homeless service providers will tell you all about the number of people that Read More

New Face of Homelessness

Darlene and Jacob. Teddy. Craig and Margie. All are the new faces of poverty. I met them working on a television story for HDNet’s World Report. The piece is about the impact of the economy on public hospitals. Many hospitals around the country like Denver Health Medical Center are giving away millions and millions of dollars in uncompensated charitable care. For DHMC it was $300 million in 2008. In 2009 the administration is expecting the number to increase to $350 Read More