How to Help the Homeless

Is there any ways that really help the homeless? Does handing the panhandler a dollar do any good? Are you looking for the quick help or do you want to help solve the solution? The biggest problem is the homeless are not a group of the same person so their problems are not the same so the same solution will not work for everybody. First off the reason for their homelessness is not the same. Yes some are due to Read More

Why Are Some Older Women Homeless?

It seems that many older women are now homeless making up a large percentage of street dwellers. One has to ask why? The answer, however, is rather obvious. In Australia women are discriminated against and are often prevented from the same opportunities of men. When a divorce occurs it is often the woman who ends up homeless. Men who manipulate the system are able to secure a better future for themselves than women can. It came as a shock this Read More