Why Is the Concept of Living Without Money Ridiculed?

My aim in this and subsequent articles is to demonstrate that there is support for the information that people, even with families, can give up money completely without having to suffer the indignity faced with doing it in manners which are either unlawful (such as being homeless , dumpster diving) or otherwise unconventional; in other words, to renounce money in such a way that people around you will not even know you have done it, and this notification is supported Read More

Pet – Loyal and Caring

For the most loyal and caring love there is nothing better than a pet. They give you their unconditional love no matter how you treat them and always there to welcome you back home whenever you return. Pets are an essential part of any household and become like one of the family. Children brought up with pets learn to share and care for others and grow up less selfish. If every family adopted a pet there would be so many Read More