Bypass The Psychological Barriers of Maslow’s Pyramid

As you know the Maslow Pyramid starts with your need for food, shelter, and clothing, and next comes safety needs; security, psychological safety. Need for respect from your fellow man, and then self-esteem needs. Lastly, the need for knowledge, understanding, justice, and goodness; and, after that you’ve been self-actualized. As our nation becomes more of a socialist left-leaning society, there will be fewer people who will have achieved the lower levels in the Maslow Pyramid. Okay so let’s talk about Read More

Just Who the Heck Is Vic Hutchinson?

If you are reading this article, then you have probably heard of Vic Hutchinson. If you have not, Vic Hutchinson is a self-made internet millionaire. By self-made I mean he started with nothing… absolutely nothing… and built an online empire. He’s been quietly making a fortune online for the last 12 years. How did he get there? Years of trial and error and a “never say die” attitude. This guy just doesn’t give up and is an inspiration to anyone Read More