The Importance of XHTML and CSS Over HTML

HTML is the backbone to every website, it is the head, the shoulders, and the feet of the website. We used to design simple websites that had several graphics slapped on them. These days, using only html on your website or blog can mean that you arent using all the tools in the shed to get your website up to par. Using XHTML & CSS together means you can do wonderful things with images and fonts that you never thought Read More

Rethinking HTML for CSS

You need to have the best coding in HTML with a strong foundation to get the most out of CSS. If you can write excellent HTML coding, writing CSS becomes easy. The main feature is that you will no longer have to convert the HTML in to web design as CSS offers the graphics and designs you wanted. The job becomes easy, as HTML needs lot of coding compared to CSS. This manner it will be easy to create and Read More