Human Universals

Rapport is largely about minimising difference and increasing similarities. When we first meet someone there is usually a period where we ask each other a series of questions with the aim of identifying what we have in common. If we cannot find anything in common the conversation usually becomes stilted, uncomfortable and difficult. When we do find something in common the conversation becomes easier and our perception of the other person changes for the better. For many years anthropologists have Read More

Make Yourself Into a Human Antenna

Why would you ever need to make yourself into a portable human antenna? Well how about for Police, Fire Fighters, First Responders, Field Researchers, Military and FEMA? We propose building a uniform for infantry communication specialists, which is an antenna. The sleeves will have elongated zippers. One sleeve will have a zipper which when open will expose a nickel silver antenna, which will go from the elbow to the wrist. The other arm will have an antenna when exposed which Read More