Tomato – The God Food for Nutrition and Human Health

A recent study conducted at Ohio State University in the US reported that the dietary carotenoids, that gives tomatoes their colour, will protect the skin from ultraviolet (UV) light damage. With the number of people being diagnosed with skin cancer increases with each passing year, it’s a good news that the daily consumption of tomato may cut the chances of skin cancer. This small, round, sweet, juicy, delicious red fruit is one of the largest consuming vegetables in the world, Read More

Human Resources 101

Managing an organization on its way to success has its own challenges, like dealing with economic factors that may or may not stand as obstacles. Ordinarily, one will claim that this is a Human Resource affair. However, some successful organizations have employed more workable techniques to succeed. This is the human resources of today. The Traditional Role of Human Resources Most people in an organization will identify the Human Resources Department to anything systematic, policy-related or administrative. Some automatically think Read More