Waiting For Godot: Inside The Play

The theatres of the twentieth century witnessed a great number of peculiar experiments. It was, needless to reiterate, an age of avant-garde. Out of many, however, the one that still shakes and thrills me is “Waiting For Godot”. A masterpiece from Beckett, it revolutionized the literary world with a number of unusual(s) that it carried with the ‘mute’ dialogues. I would like to recall the aspects about the play that might interest and benefit the readers. The Pun – Do Read More

Isn’t The Politics Of Hope, Better Than HATE?

Students of history, are probably, having an eerie feeling, We’ve Seen This Before! This isn’t the first time, autocrats, xenophobics, race/ ethic – bating, individuals, have assumed leadership positions, of major nations, and, it generally, has not worked out, well, for most of the citizens, involved! Do we really want to continue, living through, this latest version, of the politics, of HATE? Wouldn’t the best interests, of our nation, and all its citizens, be, better off, if we were led, Read More