Is Sacred Economics Possible? 3 Things Companies Must Have to Succeed In Today’s World

There is a new game in town. It’s called Sacred Economics. Or, more simply put… Companies with Integrity. Yes, indeed a shift is happening before our very eyes. If you’ve been paying attention you are catching glimpses of it. It’s here. It’s there. It’s everywhere. The new buzz words are Triple Bottom Line businesses. What’s Triple Bottom Line? Instead of being solely focused on profit, as typical businesses have been in the past, Triple Bottom Line includes People, Profit, and Read More

Unconditional Love is Absolute Freedom to Screw Up Your Life

In my lifetime, I have never witnessed enduring unconditional love from another human being. I do not believe it is physically possible. I think that once we have reached that position of being able to give it, we have already passed over to join with the one that is unconditional love. I believe that this state is only experienced spiritually. It is our inborn desire to move to a place of unconditional love and that is what we strive to Read More