We Came Here To Remember

Who am I? Why am I here? What am I suppose to do? Where did I come from? These are deep questions and people often get lost trying to find the answers, or do not even bother to look for them, instead worrying about why there football team never wins, or when the next sitcom will be on. It is all about remembering that you are God and each deep question you ask brings back wisdom and with that a Read More

Metaphysical Humanism: What It Means

From philosophy, we learn metaphysics deals with first principles of things. This includes abstract concepts such as ‘being,’ ‘knowing,’ ‘substance,’ and ’cause.’ In addition to these concepts metaphysicians are interested in identity, time and space. Any one of these could involve a lifetime of study. Humanism is a philosophical system of thought that attaches prime importance to human affairs rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanists stress the potential value and goodness of human beings; they emphasize common human needs, Read More