Human Reaction To Global Events

There are allot of contributing factors as to why the world is the way it is today. We can trace human behavior and our subsequent responses to certain events to the beginning of human history. Humanity whose existence has always been filled with flaws have caused the world to tumble into a cataclysm of tempests as we are seeing today. The perplexities of our existence too many of which were self inflected have created the many crisis we continue to Read More

Forced Compliance

The latest decree coming out of Washington should send warning signals all across the nation. There are very disturbing signs and indications that the Covid-19 vaccine rollout could very well be a horrendous disaster. If these forced mandates of this covid-19 experimental drug by government, sanctioned by the CDC, endorsed by many businesses, hyped by the media, and encouraged by many of the public continues would constitute a crime against humanity. All because they are now knowing full well that Read More