Vaccine Controversy

Many of the medical community have been openly supportive of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine even though it dissipates it’s effectiveness in less than 3 months. When Operation Warp Speed took hold the medical establishment totally forgot to emphasize the importance of a healthy natural immune system in response when one does come in contact with the Covid-19 virus. They have since only relied on the strict adherence of vaccine mandates. As humanity continues to be plagued by the ever persistent Read More

Ascension or Transcension?

There is no denying the state of the world has become increasingly turbulent due to climate change, declining global economic conditions, and global militarization. In the Spiritual Community, these extreme changes are attributed to a supernatural or celestial phenomenon called “The Paradigm Shift” or “The Shift”. Many prominent scientists say we are facing the sixth mass extinction of the planet. There are differing opinions as to why we have arrived at this precarious “tipping point”. Some popular accepted theories concerning Read More