Information Excess

The world is not only within our reach but it has come to stay in our palm. Improvements in technology saw the transition of pagers to mobiles and graduation of ordinary mobiles to smartphones was yet again a mile stone. In India, ‘Doordarshan’ and metro channels paved way to their modern cousins – the satellite channels. All these ensured instant news, cutting across geographical barriers with high quality audio and videos to stream in realtime to the users. All these Read More

Product Information Management Is The Next Gen Business Strategy

Product information management is designed to manage information centrally. The information is related to various products. The main focus of this task is to sell and market products through distribution channels. This management system has been implemented by different entities like websites, ERP system, print catalogs, and electronic data feeds. In the process, a central pool of data is utilized to acquire accurate, consistent, and up-to-date information. In order to support different demographic aspect, multi-lingual situation, and modification and fine-tuning Read More