How Electronic Medical Record Systems Have Changed The Way Patient Information Is Stored

Technology has come quite a long way from where it was many years ago. It might seem unbelievable to the generation of today to think that 40 years ago, hospitals did not have computer systems in place to keep track of patient records and instead wrote everything down and stored information via filing cabinets. Some institutions used typewriters, but this method was still very time consuming. The development of EMR systems has forever changed how patient information is stored and Read More

How Smart Buyers Use the "Mobile Real Estate Information Center", AKA "Realtor Open House"

There are many benefits to opening a house for sale on a Sunday afternoon. It saves having to make an appointment to see it, and it makes it convenient for everybody in the family to come together to tour properties. The seller benefits by having more people see the house in one afternoon instead of individual appointments. Most of the time however, visitors dismiss the help offered by the Realtor hosting the Open House and are reluctant to provide any Read More