How to Fix Your Cheesecake – A Troubleshooting Guide

A cheesecake should be relatively trouble free but occasionally problems do come up. Over the years, we’ve been asked the following questions. “What’s the easiest way to make crumbs for my crust?” Lots of folks use a food processor; we don’t bother. We use a heavy duty zipper-type plastic bag and crush the crackers or cookies with a rolling pin a few at a time. We save the plastic bag for the next crust. If we’re in a hurry, we Read More

Start-Ups Moving Towards Blockchain Technology in 2018!

Start-ups moving towards blockchain technology in 2018! The first application of blockchain technology which has gained the worldwide attention is Bitcoin, the first digital currency. Blockchain creates a decentralized ledger which works onto the network of smart contracts. The blockchain is able to provide high security by using the concept of public and private keys for authentication. That concludes blockchain technology can be used in any industry where a value is exchanged. This technology has far more applications than just Read More