Top 8 Business Branding Tips For Today

1. Be Transparent Even if you don’t want people to know who you are today, they’re going to find out if you become successful enough. Therefore, seek to build a brand that represents your true values that you’d be proud to represent. That way when things are discovered about you, it’s not a shock to anyone because they know, like and trust you already. 2. Market to the Audience of One Remember that you know exactly who you want to Read More

Important Social Marketing Lessons From the JCB Digging Phenomenon in India

Enlightened social marketing experts would like you to believe that the number of likes your account, post, or update receives is unimportant, and what really matters is quality. No doubt, quality matters and anybody not posting quality content online is going to struggle to gain traction. Yet, that doesn’t mean you can afford to ignore numbers completely. Just check out how ‘#JCB ki khudai’- Hindi for #JCB Digging- has become a complete sensation on Instagram and other social platforms. What’s Read More