Curate and Control Your Online Reputation

Shakespeare, in Act 2 of his circa 1603 play Othello, said it best: Reputation, reputation, reputation. It is the original personal brand and one of the defining realities of our lives. For Solopreneur consultants and other self-employed professionals, reputation governs the number and quality of projects made available to us and therefore, reputation impacts our income and the kind of life we’re able to live. It pays, in more ways than one, to cultivate a peerless reputation and guard it Read More

7 Innovative Facets To Boost Your Social Media Strategy

Regardless of newest criticism in the midst of trade and political commentators, social media set of connections linger as one of the most vital and merging internet platforms. Nearly 2.5 billion people are used to networking and it is estimated that the number will rise soon. With the boost in such networks, even the social media services have taken a big jump. Marketers should depend on more than simply hashtags and emojis to generate the majority of channels such as Read More