Pragmatopience A Post Post Modern Philosophy

Pragmatopience is a post-post modern Philosophy. It is derived from the words: pragmatism, Utopianism, and Sapience. I would like to explain how these words: pragmatism, utopianism and sapience (wisdom) alter the course of philosophy as pragmatopience. Pragmatism refers to philosophy of putting theory into an application or process. How can new content be created through examining its philosophical etymology. One way to do it is by a process of Materialist-Humanism. In this world of today where cultures and economies go Read More

How to Advertise Your Dance Classes

This is a very short list of easy and FREE (yay) ways to advertise your dance class. It’s important to get enough people in the class to run it. After classes are established there are definitely other ways to build and retain customers but these are basics that are quite easy to initiate. 1. When you write an ad for your classes be sure to include detailed information • Time, date, location and contact email or phone number • Include Read More