3 Secrets to an Unforgettable Italy Vacation – Experience Wine and Culture Tours

Italy is the land of thousands of beautiful sites. Every region, every town, every countryside has something breathtaking to visit. Real Italy is the one you read about in books like “John Grisham’s Playing for Pizza”, where people experience true Italian life in a small town off the tourist-beaten track and come home remembering the culture, the life, the people they met. There are three secrets to an unforgettable Italy vacation: Join Wine and Culture Tours: We all know Italy Read More

Visit the Birthplace of Italian Opera

When we think of the word Opera many of us think about Italy and operas in Italian. Italian opera is a mixture of the beautiful language and the history of the Italian people. Opera originates in Italy and still today it inspires people to learn the language, history and the culture from the stories and the experience. It is a very romantic experience, listening to opera sung in Italian at one of the famous opera houses in a majestic city. Read More