Having a Complex: A Short Explanation of Psychological Complexes

In ordinary daily conversation when someone observes that a friend, family member or colleague “has a complex” about something, we generally mean that they seem to have a “sore spot” about the subject, or that they seem to have a recognizable pattern of reactions when certain situations or subjects arise. These are good layman’s observations which capture two of the most central qualities of what psychologists call “complexes” 1. They are developed around psychological wounds. 2. They have a repetitive, Read More

Distance – Cold Turkey Grieving on Thanksgiving Day

“He’s gone.” The words came across my cell phone with a finality that hit me in the back of the throat. It was Thanksgiving Day and my older brother – the fast-talking bodybuilder, the guy with a quick wit, the family man that was always laughing – had left us. After getting the short straw and Type I diabetes at age 11, he had overcome the odds at every juncture. But he could not overcome 2020. They say siblings are Read More