Words of Wisdom From Jack Ma

There is a Bill Gates in Asia; he is Jack Ma. Jack Ma is the founder of Alibaba Group. Jack Ma at present is the richest person in China. 1. Our world is daily changing. Jack Ma said, “Please tell your children that the world is changing every day and no one is going to wait for you in the past. When the lighter was invented, matches slowly disappeared. When the calculator was created, abacus faded away. When digital camera Read More

Jack Ma: Life Is NEVER Fair

Jack Ma, “How Can Life Be Fair? You are born in the village, Bill Gates’ Children are born in the Gates’ family. How can you ever compete? But one aspect is fair in Life. The Gates’ have 24 hours in a day. YOU have 24 hours in a day as well.” How we all spend our 24 hours varies, but what we do with our individual 24 hours will determines the outcome of our tomorrow. We all know someone that Read More