How to Display AdSense on WordPress With AdSense Plugins

While WordPress itself is a robust and complete blogging system, to really maximize the software and make money from Google AdSense you’ll need to install and use a couple of AdSense “plugins”. Most of the plugins can be found by doing a search on Google, and installation is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is upload the plugin to your web host using an FTP, and activate the plugin inside your WordPress administration area. 1) AdSense Deluxe WordPress Read More

11 Excellent Optimization Tips And Tricks To Boost The Speed Of Websites

With the rampant growth of websites, it is highly apprehensive for any non-performing website to be thrown out of the competition in a flash. Success may seem a far-fetched thing for the websites, which are not trimmed enough to load faster or cannot render contents quickly. Alongside using multiple JavaScript and style sheets, it must also be kept in mind that speed and performance comes before anything else that ensure great user experience. Here are some of the useful tips Read More