Joomla and Web Designing

Joomla, one of the leading CMS is creating ripples in the web design industry. This article illustrates why this particular CMS has taken the industry for a stroll. What is CMS? Content management system is typically a software which allows the website owner to renew the content without prior designing. People today understand the importance of being ranked by a search engine and the profitability of been associated with leading sites. They require a steady control over their content and Read More

Joomla Web Design – The Facts

What is Joomla? Joomla is a free and open source content management system (CMS) for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. Within the first year of the release of Joomla! It had been downloaded 2.5 million times. Between March 2007 and February 2011 there has been more than 21 million downloads. Using Joomla for your programming system gives you the following features page caching, RSS feeds, Printable versions of your page, new flashes, blogs, polls, search and Read More