An Honest Ab King Pro Review

They’ve been at it again. It seems like every six months someone comes out with a new contraption to help you get rock hard abs without much work. The latest piece of equipment is supposed to help you do it in record time. Whether it will actually do that is another story. This review isn’t about selling you on the Ab King Pro system, but rather about helping you avoid wasting your money on something that doesn’t work. Let’s take a hard Read More

6 Life Lessons From The King’s Speech

First of all, let me state my disclaimer: I am NOT a movie critic, nor do I pretend to be. However, I am a lover of quality and films are no exception. The King’s Speech is at the epitome of genius film making – cinematography, acting, music and costumes. However, it’s the powerful storyline that caused a two hour dinner discussion with my family about King George VI’s stammer and his adulthood quest to conquer it with the help of Read More