3 Types of King Size Beds

There are different types of king size beds that are perfect for your preference. Each of them are large enough for you and your couple to sleep comfortably. It helps so you can freely move in both sides. This can let you have a better sleep and rest. California king size bed California kings are also know as the western king. This type of bed is 84 inches long and 72 inches wide. It is longer by 4 inches and Read More

Is Copy Still King?

The pondering time she comes. Have you ever wondered if advertising copy is still king… you know the big kahuna of advertising… the apple of the marketing eye? Heck, with all the modern “marketing devices” we have today, you may be wondering if copy is even relevant these days. Let’s dive in and take a look-see. Check out any magazine you can find on the shelf these days and start thumbing through the pages. Pay keen attention to the ads. Read More