List of Mucusless (Mucus-Free) Foods

The word “mucusless,” or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not pus or mucus-forming inside the human body. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus in the gastrointestinal tract. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables. The term was coined in the early 1900s by dietitian and healer Prof. Arnold Ehret in his book the Mucusless Diet Healing System. The Mucusless Diet consists of all kinds of raw and Read More

Glycemic Index List for Fruits

Find out which fruits have a low glycemic index! Glycemic index (GI) of a food demonstrates an ability for foods to attack our blood sugar and help the pancreas in producing larger quantities of insulin. Foods with high glycemic index cause a sudden increase in blood glucose which, in turn, produces disorders of insulin levels, appetite and fat storage capacity. Appearance-related diseases are related — because the body can not eliminate glucose from the blood, it remains in the bloodstream Read More