Penis Health Benefits of Vitamin E – The Secret to a Smooth Shaft

Sexual health is an important part of a man’s overall health and wellness, and a healthy penis is obviously a key player in this respect. Everyone knows that to keep the body healthy, it is important to work out, eat right, take vitamins, get plenty of rest, avoid smoking, manage stress and limit alcohol intake – but few men take the time to give their penis a little extra TLC. Proper penis health care should be integrated into the daily Read More

Best Fruit and Vegetables For Type 2 Diabetes

Fruits are an important staple of one’s diet. Whether you have Diabetes 2 or not, fruits provide you with fiber, vitamins and minerals which are essential for a complete balanced diet. If you are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes you can still enjoy the benefits of fruits, except those fruits which contain high levels of carbohydrates and sugars and that can have an effect to increase your blood glucose level. While choosing a fruit, always opt for fresh fruit. If Read More