The Legend of Zyrah Chapter 1

It was a sunny and peaceful spring day in the southern elf town of An-kavva. The town was situated in a valley, surrounded by grassy foothills and small patches of forest, with the Great Sea off in the distance and visible on days when it was not foggy. Not a single cloud was in the sky today. The streets of An-kavva were busy with young elves running around, playing games and laughing, not having a care in the world. A Read More

Jiro Ono: A Sushi Legend

Sushi is one of the most famous Japanese dishes and it also gains great popularization in the International community. When it comes to Sushi, we have to mention Jiro Ono who is considered as the greatest sushi craftsman by his contemporaries and peers. The sushi he makes is also regarded as the most delicious one in the world. Jiro Ono successfully became a qualified sushi chief at the age of 26 with its diligence and talents in cooking and in Read More