Musicians Who Had Perfect Pitch

What do musical legends like Mozart, Andre Previn, Stevie Wonder and Julie Andrews have in common? The answer to this question will understandably differ. Many will say a great voice. Some will say an uncanny ability to write music, but few people will mention their unique ability of perfect pitch. Perfect pitch (also referred to as absolute pitch in some circles) is the ability of a person to recognize notes merely by listening to them. Musicians who have this attribute Read More

The Legend of Tommy Jo Sanchez, By: Billie Bierer – Book Review

Westerns are a study in archetypes that are almost entirely unique to American civilization. Wanderers on horseback with Stetson hats and gleaming weapons at their sides, these Men With No Name sweep in like knights errant, protecting towns from both villains, and the encroachment of civilization. In “The Legend of Tommy Jo Sanchez”, our hero is not John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, nor any of the myriad characters who might be found in the canon of Louis L’Amour. TJ Sanchez is Read More