The Long Lost Art of Being Discovered

One of the most of fascinating Hollywood legends is the discovery of film actress Lana Turner at the soda fountain in Schwab’s drug store in Hollywood, by director Mervyn Le Roy in 1936. Wikipedia tells a different story, saying that Turner was discovered by The Hollywood Reporter publisher, William Wilkerson, not at Schwab’s, but at the Top Hat Café. Nevertheless, this legendary story gave rise to the American myth that “anybody can be discovered, anyone can be successful because of Read More

Elo Boosting – Explained In A Simple And Understandable Way

League of Legends – the game filled with terminologies, right from smurfing and ganking bot; it sometimes is hard to understand what these phrases mean. Suppose you are playing a game of Legends for a long time then you must be aware of the term “elo boosting”. But, what’s elo boosting or why is everybody talking about this? Suppose you have never heard about the term elo boosting, then you are not exposed to “secret” of LoL boosting. Let us Read More